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  • Recognizing outstanding contributions

    The Chamber Global Award™ recognizes individuals and companies with outstanding contributions towards achieving the goals in the Chamber mission, in particular, building cooperation between the Chamber member states at an economic level. Nomination for the Award is based on technical, commercial and/or other business achievements. The Chamber members and network partners make the recommendation for the nomination to the Award Committee. The Award Committee consists of the Chamber Management Board and the related members of the Patronage Advisory Board. The Chamber Global Award™ has been presented at conferences, forums, official economic and business missions.

    Notable recipients

    Milan Panic, former Prime Minister of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and President and CEO of MP Global Enterprise & Associates LLC presented at the Forum his position of the importance of regional cooperation and prompt integration to EU. Panic, who The Wall Street Journal in 1992 named one of the "Europeans of the Year" has been presented the Award.

    Milan Artukovic, General Manager of Franck, Croatia, who has been well distinguished with his long-term, successful management of the Franck, Croatia has been presented the Award.

    Several leaders from the region have been recognized by the Chamber Global Award™ for their business impact in science. Angela Moraru, Vice-President of Labmedica, Romania has been awarded for enhancing european-wide access to affordable medical diagnosis.

    Dr. Harry Gasparakis, President of Kappa Global Inc., originally from Greece, has been presented the Chamber Global Award™ for ground breaking innovation in developing context-based knowledge representation technologies, for the next generation "Semantic Web". There was especially good international press coverage. From the SEE region there were TV Politika (Yu), TV Hrvatska (Croatia), TV Macedonia, Eumarket and a few News agencies including SENSE Agency - Ines Sabalic.